to September 19, Līvu Akvaparks closed for annual technical maintenance!

Children's recreation without the adults

Children want to enjoy the akvapark, but adults do not have time.

We have an opportunity to solve this situation

According to Līvu Akvaparks Visitor Regulations:

2.4. Children between ages 11 and 13 may visit without presence or escort of parents or guardians if one of the child’s/children’s’ parents or legal guardian`s signs a Confirmation of Personal responsibility at the entry, assuming care and responsibility for their child, the child’s health condition, behavior, as well as for observance of these rules.

2.5. Children aged 14 and above may visit the Aquapark without presence and accompaniment of parents or adults, however the parents stay responsible for the child’s health condition, behavior, as well as for observance of these rules.

  • According to Article 24 of the Law on the Protection of Children's Rights, it is the parents' duty to take care of the child and his property and to represent the child in his personal and property relations.
  • A person who is not the child's parent or official guardian, or who has not been issued an appropriate notarial power of attorney, is NOT allowed to place the child in the care of another person and exercise any rights.

Before entering the water park or leaving the child in the water park without your presence, please familiarize yourself with and introduce the child to:

  •     Aquapark Visitor Regulations
  •     Rules for the safe use of attractions

Let's be together in strengthening a responsible and disciplined society!

Līvu Akvaparks - enjoy the season!